client: Tourism Authority of Thailand
cost: Baht 1,552 million
size: 387,000 m2
services to client: Master Plan,Feasibility Study, Concept and Preliminary Design
architect: Space Architects
structural engineer: SPC Consulting Engineers
design: 2003
Following the Thai Government’s policy to attract and promote trade, industry and tourism in the north of the country Space Architects were invited, as part of a consortium, to design the master plan for a complex similar to that of the Convention Hall and Exhibition Centre in Phuket. The concept for this particular exhibition complex was influenced by HRH the Queen Mother, who resided in Chiang Mai and whose love of flowers is well documented, and to whom we wished to honour through the design. Thus we took the imagery of a flower in full bloom for the main exhibition hall, with the sequence of minor halls incorporating leaf-like canopies as protection for the main entrances.